Öcsi Baranyi, Ronto Attila Budapest Danubius Grand Hotel
Kurhaus Terasse


Dear guests and friends,


In 2024, I have the pleasure to play for you on the following dates and locations:


Starting with the 7th of February, from 6pm to 9pm, every Wednesday and Thursday, I will sing and play for you in the beautiful HECTORS restaurant in the Kurhaus. I'm look forward to welcoming you with beautiful Bossanova soft music.



Liebe Gäste und Freunde,


Im Jahr 2024 habe ich das Vergnügen, an folgenden Terminen in Baden-Baden für Sie  Musizieren zu dürfen:


Ab den 7. Februar, vom 18. bis 21, jeden Mittwoch und Donnerstag, freue ich mich Sie mit Bossanova Lieder, im schönen Restaurant HECTORS im Kurhaus begrüßen zu dürfen.





 Die nächsten Termine folgen...


Please make a reservation and get confirmed my pressence, changes might occour.


For Christmas I perform in Aqua Aurelia: 09th and the 18th of December.

It's a beautiful Christmas atmosphere, with lots of nice Christmas Love Songs.   



The next schedules are to come...


I'll be pleased to sing for you again.

Vorschaubild - Youtube
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